The year of 2016 was going to my year where I was going to master the balancing act of my family life, work life, and well; just life in general. I wanted to be 100% wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend, and business owner. (If I'm totally transparent, I often feel like I fail at ALL of them, all the time. )
I wanted to be present in every aspect of my life that I often found myself last year one foot in, one foot out per-say. With my sidekick growing and changing everyday I fear that I will miss out on things and then with the studio growing and meeting new clients while still sharing in the lives of my loyal ones I don't want to miss out their moments as well. I don't want to let anyone down. ( I don't want to let myself down.) 2015 ended so great and 2016 started with a bang. One very much apprecited, but one also very demanding. I was so blessed to snuggle so many babies, share in the love story of couples and capture milestones for many families.
Mr. Blake. aka Sidekick, love, baby. My world.
So in the trying to balance it all and serve hopefully all the areas in my life I will only be offering so many session a month and protect my family time. I hope that you all understand. You all mean the world to me and have been supportive and I don't think I can really ever express my gratitude to all of you. To those who have understand that my family comes first. To those who have let Blake come to sessions with me. To those who have pushed me to be a better wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend, and business owner.
Love these four so much. Blake's cousins on my side. (Best gift for Grandma)
Thanks to all of you!!! Much love and appreciation for you all sharing your lives with me.